Tips om treff ol. Name First Last Last Email * Name of the event * Description * Write some words describing the event or the rally. Name of the location, venue or place If the event takes place at a location with a name, type that here… Address Add enough info for me to find the location in Google Maps. Like street name, number, city, postal code or GPS location. Starting date & time * When does the event start? Both date AND time. Ending date and time * When does the event end? Both date AND time. Organizor * Who is organizing/responsible for the event? Organizer’s Email Use if organizer has an email he/she want to make known. Website/URL Any website or info elsewhere on the web? Price State the price in Norwegian kroner – and 0 if it is free. Additional info to Bucket List Norway? Any additional info to Bucket List Norway goes here… Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.