Tyrigrava, Gamle Mossevei 55, 1420 Svartskog
59.792268312418, 10.772936049981
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Tyrigrava just south of Oslo is a must if you are in the area on a Wednesday afternoon! That is; if you’re into gazing at 100s of bikes and talk to random, fellow bikers. Tyrigrava is where motor enthusiasts in Eastern part of Norway meets!
PS! The twisty Old Mossevei passing Tyrigrava is also a fun attraction in itself…
Farm house
The land where Tyrigrava sits, once belonged to the nearby farm Dal. The place were since the early 1700s used for burning tar.
When the road Rv 1 (Moseveien) were built in in the late 1850s, a road administration building were built at the location in 1857. When the road was finished in 1860, the building became a resting place and a inn for road travellers.
Funkis style
The old house burned down in 1932. But already the next year in 1933, the funkis styled house we have today, was built.
From 1965, Tyrigrava was the first café in Norway open 24h. There has also been a campground near the house, but this was closed when the lake Gjersjøen became a source for drinking water.
Meeting point for motor enthusiasts
All the way back to the 1930s, Tyrigrava has been of importance for travellers on two and four wheels, and since the 50s, it has been a meeting point for motor enthusiasts.
In 2017, Tyrigrava was bought by Kongelig Norsk Automobilklubb, KNA (the Royal Norwegian Automobile Club) and Norsk Veteranvognklubb, NVK (the Norwegian Vintage Car Club). It has since been restored for 20 million NOKs. The building are used for offices for the two clubs, and a number of other motor related clubs. During the summer months, you can also buy something to eat outdoor on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
When to go there
Tuesdays are the meeting day for Amcars. Wednesday for motorcyclists and on Thursdays you will find those with European and Japanese cars. As many as 1500 people are visiting Tyrigrava each week. There is also an increase in electric cars showing up.
Other locations
If in the area, why don’t also check out a few of my other locations in Oslo, like Frongnerparken, Oslo Opera House or the worlds first outdoor museum, The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History (Norsk Folkemuseum).