Osafjellet, Road 572

76 km (or just 33 km) of pure nature and joy


Vangsbygdi – Granvin


60.567918927078, 6.9164890334725

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I rode most of this Osafjellet detour this spring, and I have to say; it’s a long time since I smiled THAT wide… Fjord, forest, twisties, hills, mountain, view and basically no traffic. Recommended!

Dead-end with a view

If you add Osafjellet to your route 572, it is a dead end, and you have to turn back. But the view, and turns to get there, is said to be spectacular. I regret not going all the way up, and will for sure get back to do it!

But if you don’t have two hours to spend on the full mountain climb (76 km), at least do the 40 minutes 572 detour from E13 (33 km) if you are going to ride the stretch between the Hardanger bridge and Voss. You will not regret it.


We came from the south along Scenic Route Hardangerfjord. After crossing the bridge, we turned right/east onto 572. The ride along the fjord is beautiful. When you reach Ulvik, you have to make a choice. Either start climbing north-west in the great hairpins, or turn east onto road Fv. 300 and ride towards Osa if you want to add the climb up Osafjellet.

We were late, and turned north. In just minutes, the fjord is replaced with pine threes and you soon enter the valley Espelandsdalen. If you’re in luck with the weather, you can do nothing but smile as you lean into the snaky, but wide turns as the impressions of nature hits you. Before you know it, you’re back on E13 and if you’re anything like us, you’re thinking; “Yeah! That was a cool detour!”

Note; when in the area, make sure to also stop by the beautiful and nearby Skjervsfossen. The short road to get there, Skjervsvegen, is also a gem.

Youtube video by Torbjørn Anderson. This is what you get if you add the climb towards Osafjellet.

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