Røldal stave church

Crucifix with healing powers


Kyrkjevegen 36, 5760 RØLDAL


59.8308555, 6.8222735


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Røldal stave church is built sometime between 1200 and 1250. It was one of the most important pilgrimage destination from the Middle Ages till 1835. Because the church crucifix is said to have healing properties. Once a year – at “Jonsok” (Sankthansaften 24. juni) – the crucifix overhanging the altar was sweating. And the sweat is believed to have healing properties.

Røldal stave church consisted of the rectangular ship and choir, built in stave technique. After a restoration between 1913-1917, the original church walls were covered with new outer walls and a gallery on the outside of the old walls.

You can get guided tour during summer. Contact information: 48109284, margjor@online.no
It is easy to park, and there is a toilet available.

It is free to enter for children under 15. A fee of around 80 NOK’s for adults, and somewhat cheaper for groups with a minimum of 10 people. 

When in the area, make sure to also ride Dyrskar tourist road, Austmannalia and the old road across Haukeli.

YouTube video: The Hordaland Region

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