Scenic Route Valdresflye

Stop anywhere - and be stunned


Garli – Hindsæter


61.3886749, 8.8107038

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Norwegian Scenic Route Valdresflye runs from Garli to Hindsæter, a total distance of 49 km (Road 51). This includes a short detour to the lake Gjende. If you ride north, Valdresflye is a great choice, but you can also include it in many cool round trips.

Experience Valdresflye

Riding Valdresflye through Jotunheimen National Park is like getting a taste of what all foreigners picture Norway to be. If you come from the south, you’ll see small farms and old wooden buildings in the hillside as you climb slowly from Fagernes towards Beitostølen. This stretch is not part of the Norwegian Scenic Route, but you somehow have to pass these areas to get to the route. Beitostølen is almost at the tree line, so approx. 900 meters above sea level.

Shortly after Beitostølen you’re onto Valdresflye and the Scenic Route. You’re on a plateau above the tree line, but surrounded by beautiful mountain peaks.

You can make a stop almost anywhere and go for long or short hikes in the mountains. Rjupa and Vargbakkene are specially adapted stops, but they are by far not the only places where you can have a break and enjoy the view. During summer, you also have the opportunity to stop at mountain farms to buy butter, sour cream and cheese produced in the traditional manner.

Watch out for reindeers, though, as you might come across a lot of them at Valdresflye. 

Mountain road history

The construction of roads in the mountains helped to link the various regions of Norway. More people were able to experience the mountains and the roads were very useful for summer mountain farms.  The majority of mountain roads in Norway have therefore been a key factor for the tourist industry ever since they were built, allowing us to explore the mountains easily and safely. Valdresflya is a good example of such a road. If you include Vandresflye in a round trip – and if you’re into gravel roads – include Jotunheimvegen.

Winter notice for car drivers: Parts of Valdresflye is closed during the winter between Garli and Maurvangen, but the stretch between Hindsæter and Gjendesheim is open. The road is normally closed in December and reopens in April. Access to Gjendesheim is from Randen (Road 51) or Sjoa (Road 257).

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