Johan Feyers gate 2, 4370 Egersund
58.451491465524, 5.99985319257
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Magma Geopark Norway is a geographic area with a geology that has a major international importance, recognized by UNESCO, and where sustainable development plays an important role.
Magma global geopark is in a network of more than 160 UNESCO Global Geoparks in about 40 different countries on 5 continents. Although the background for a geopark is geology, really it’s all about the people. Both locals and tourists, who are willing to explore, experience and share the vast possibilities of the natural and cultural attractions in the geopark!
The Magma Geopark Norway is found in the southern part of Norway, between Flekkefjord and Stavanger. And there are 46 geological and cultural locations for you to explore!
I don’t plan to add all of them here on my site, but those I visit, and find suitable, I will list here:
A tip is to explore the locations on the UNESCO site if you are planning to ride the beautiful Nordsjøveien on road 44. I go straight through the area, and some of the geolocations are just by the road.
Other sites in the area to consider, are the hammock tunnel, Tronåsen, road Fv. 4208 and Lindesnes lighthouse, the southernmost point in Norway.
NOTE: The address in Egersund for this list item, is the address for the administration of Magma Geopark. It’s nothing to see there, but I had to put the pin somewhere. 🙂 To find the locations, use the Geopark’s homepage.