Norwegian Scenic Route Jæren runs from Ogna to Bore, a total distance of 41 km (Road 44/507). This section follows the same route as a much longer tour, ‘Atlanterhavsvegen’ which is not one of the selected Norwegian Scenic Routes, but nevertheless equally scenic.
The Jæren section is somewhat different from the other 17 scenic routes. When you get here, everything flattens out and opens up. Huge fields, long beaches, lighthouses, small ports and the constantly changing light. You can literally feel the cultural heritage and everything slows down a few notches.
Here, the ocean has been more important than roads. Make sure to do a few detours to get closer to the sea to see one of the ports or lighthouses, because the main road doesn’t show you everything. One way to find suitable detours is to study the main map on this site to find locations close to the scenic route Jæren.