Minnesund to Hurdal
60.409333212944, 11.130307662127
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A short (only 10,7 km), but extremely fun and twisty road at Romerike, some 60 km north of Oslo. If you are passing on E6 heading north, why not go back and forth! It’s only a 30 minutes detour.
The best way to drive it, is to start from the Minnesund-side. then you get the tightest twisties going uphill. It is a tarmac road, which even got new asphalt late 2021.
But be aware; even if it is tempting to twist the trottle, the road is used for timber transport, so you might meet some big trucks…
Anyhow; it brings out the smile every time!
New tarmac in 2021! Nothing better in the area!