Gullverket, Eidsvoll
60.389099405686, 11.360367246541
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At Gullverket in Eidsvoll, mining for gold took place in the period from 1758 to 1908 with several long interruptions.
The record year 1902 produced just over 50 kg of pure gold, but the operation never became profitable.
A total of 150 kg of gold has been extracted. Several kilometers of mining tunnels and some houses from the mining operations have been preserved, including the old laboratory (image).
If you drive here, the last km before you reach the laboratory is gravel. And just 100 meter before the lab, there is a sign for toll road. If you are just going to the laboratory, you don’t need to pay.
When I was there late October 2021, the gate in front of the lab was locked, so I could only take picture from a distance.