Låtefoss: The Majestic Twin Waterfall

Captivated tourists for centuries


Road Rv13 south of Odda


59.947992500947, 6.5840122972838

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Near Odda at the bottom of Sørfjorden, you’ll find one of the most iconic and breathtaking Norwegian waterfalls – Låtefoss – along road Rv13. This stunning twin waterfall is located in the Odda municipality in Vestland county, and it has captivated the hearts of visitors for centuries.

A Natural Marvel

Låtefoss is unique due to its twin cascades, which originate from the Lotevatnet lake and plunge down a steep mountainside. It is soon merging into the Austdøla river below. The waterfall has a total height of approximately 165 meters (541 feet), making it a spectacular sight to behold. The two streams of water flow side by side, creating a mesmerizing and powerful display of nature’s beauty.

Historical Significance

The waterfall has been a popular tourist attraction since the 19th century. In the early days of tourism, visitors would travel by horse-drawn carriages to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of Låtefoss. Today, the waterfall is easily accessible as the road passes directly in front of the waterfall, allowing travelers to experience its grandeur up close.

A Photographer’s Paradise

Låtefoss is a dream destination for photographers and nature enthusiasts. The mist created by the powerful cascades often forms rainbows, adding an extra layer of magic to the picturesque scene. The surrounding landscape, with its lush greenery and rugged mountains, provides a perfect backdrop for capturing stunning photographs.

Visiting Låtefoss

The best time to visit Låtefoss is during the late spring and summer months. This is when the snowmelt from the mountains feeds the waterfall, resulting in a more powerful and impressive flow. There are several viewing points along the road where visitors can stop and take in the beauty of the waterfall. Additionally, there are hiking trails in the area for those who wish to explore the surrounding nature.

In the area

Odda and Låtefoss are kind of isolated along road Rv13, so if you happen to find yourself in this area, there are gems you need to know about in both directions. If you come from south-east, you really need ride the tourist road Old Haukeli road and Austmannalia (Dyreskar tourist road). You also pass Røldal stave church. If coming from Haugesund or Stavanger, make sure to ride (my favorite) Norwegian Scenic Route Ryfylke – but make sure to take road 520. It’s a winding gem that you don’t easily forget! A nice stop on this route is Allmannajuvet.
If coming from or heading north, Scenic Route Hardanger, Scenic Route Hardangervidda, Vøringsfossen and road 572 Osafjellet are nice routes.

YouTube video by Keytown Adventures

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